How old is marques houston wife

How old is marques houston wife? Marques Houston, a well-known actor, singer, and producer, has garnered fame and admiration for his talents. Beyond the spotlight, his personal life, including his marriage, has piqued the interest of fans. In this article, we will explore the age of Marques Houston’s wife and take a closer look at their love story.

Marques Houston: A Versatile Talent

Marques Houston, born on August 4, 1981, in Los Angeles, California, first gained recognition as a member of the R&B group Immature/IMx. He later embarked on a successful solo music career and made notable appearances in films and television series. With his multifaceted talents, Marques has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.

how old is marques houston wife
how old is marques houston wife

Marques Houston’s Love Life

Marques Houston’s love life has been a topic of interest for fans and followers. He is married to Miya Dickey Houston, and their relationship has been marked by significant milestones and public attention. The couple’s love story is a testament to their enduring bond.

Miya Dickey Houston: An Enigmatic Figure

Miya Dickey Houston, Marques’s wife, is known for her privacy and relatively low profile in the media. Unlike her famous husband, she has chosen to keep many details of her personal life out of the public eye. This includes her age, which has not been publicly disclosed.

The Love Story

Marques and Miya’s love story has been filled with moments of joy and celebration. The couple officially tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony in 2020. Their wedding was a private and intimate affair, attended by close friends and family. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, their love prevailed, and they embarked on their journey as a married couple.

The Age Mystery

While Marques Houston’s age is a matter of public record, Miya’s age remains undisclosed. This intentional decision to keep her age private aligns with her preference for a more low-key and private life.

A Private and Happy Life

Marques and Miya Houston have chosen to focus on their love for each other rather than public scrutiny. Their commitment to each other is a testament to their enduring partnership, and they continue to enjoy their lives together while maintaining a level of privacy that suits them.


Miya Dickey Houston’s age may remain a mystery to the public, but her love story with Marques Houston is a testament to the strength of their relationship. Their commitment to each other and their shared journey through life are a reminder that love can thrive even amidst the spotlight of the entertainment industry. While fans may continue to be curious about the finer details of their lives, Marques and Miya’s focus remains on the love and happiness they share.”

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